Thursday, January 30, 2014

Facing my own mortality

As we get older, we all face our own mortality.  But most recently it hit pretty close to home.  I recently learned one of my classmates has breast cancer.

Back in November there was Typhoon in the Philippines.  When I heard, I immediately thought of my classmate, who is from there.  I saw her shortly after and asked after her family, she said they were all on higher ground and safe.  She then told me the Philippine Student Association was raising money for the relief effort by selling wrist bands for $5.  I opened my wallet and had a $20 and a $1.  I handed her the $20 and told her I didn't need a wrist band.  She almost cried.

Later she wrote a wonderful thank you note, that I still have in my desk in my office at school.  My friend and I had started the program together, but had drifted apart when I dropped out of the PhD track and she continued on in that track.  We no longer had classes together, so this happens.  So I was touched by the note.  Shortly after I received another note, this time from our program director.   My friend had been diagnosed with cancer and they wanted us to know and the department was also collecting donations to help with medical bills.  I did cry.  It just doesn't seem fair.  She is younger then me, 30.  Not an old timer at all.  I went back to my office and just sat for the longest time.

You don't think about all of these things.  You don't think it will happen to you or anyone you know.  And when it does, you are reminded that we are mortal.  It can happen.  And it did.